I should have known it wouldn't be easy...

I sent in my FAFSA forms for financial aid so that I can get my student loans. I couldn't believe how easy it was. I checked back on my status and it seems that because of my divorce, and how lazy I have been about changing everything back to my maiden name, there was some confusion. Though my I.D., paychecks, credit card, and bank account still all have my married name on them... I am legally known by my maiden name. Ugh.

So I will be spending this lovely sunny day driving around the greater Cleveland area to get a new driver's licence, to the bank to have my name changed on my accounts and order new checks/bank card, to the school I will be attending to have everything there changed, and back home to call FAFSA and straighten everything out.

I guess getting free money from the government isn't as easy as I had hoped. This all has to be taken care of by June 1st. I'll just die if this doesn't happen.

I hate my new schedule at work. HATE IT. I was the lunchtime bartender Monday through Friday since about last October. I would stay through happy hour on Mondays, Tuesdays, and some Fridays. Some weeks were great. Others I didn't make enough to live on. I begged the management to help me come up with a way that we could make this job one that not only myself, but someone else would want to have. No one would help me so I went back to waiting tables at night Tues., Weds., and Thurs. while keeping my lunch/happy hour bar shifts Monday and Friday. I HATE it. Even though now I am making the kind of money one would expect working for an Iron Chef at the City's best restaurant.

I miss my boyfriend more than words can express. When I get home from work he is struggling to stay awake just to say hello and give me a kiss goodnight :( I miss our daily dose of jeopardy. I miss getting up, going to work, and having the rest of the day to do whatever. Not having to cram the things I have to do in before I go to work. I hate having the dark cloud of work looming over me all damn day. I like to get the bullshit over with and THEN enjoy myself, not the other way around. It's taking some serious getting used to.

I suppose it is best to get used to this schedule now as opposed to starting school and just altering everything.

On a lighter note, I got ready to go to work yesterday, picked up my carpool buddy, found some super sweet parking (which means I didn't have to pay $10 to valet for work), went on to work and ate some delicious shift meal before realizing that I was off for the day! I think that being under the impression that I was on the schedule and then getting to dance out of that dreadful place made me appreciate my night off with Andy even more than I typically would have (which is ALOT). I made some delicious dinner (not delicious enough to post a recipe). I watched some much needed jeopardy with my wonderful fella and my best friend, Travis. I went to bed early after a glass of wine and some serious awesome alone time with my man. It was perfect.

Off to the shower I go, to get ready for my day of cramming my identity change in before 3:30pm. Wish me luck!

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