Bad Blog Mom

I have been severely neglecting my blog. Rightfully so, I do believe.

I have have been the busiest of bees ever since I started school two weeks ago. I most certainly did NOT realize that the summer quarter was accelerated. I am only taking two classes and my head is constantly spinning. I'm trying to take care of my house, nurture my relationship, work, spend time with my precious animals, eat, study, do mountains of homework, and still find a moment here and there to have fun. As much as I'm struggling with it, I think I'm close to getting into the groove. It's nice to have something to do and I'm learning a lot. If I can make it through this... I can make it through anything. I have one more payment to make and god knows how much money worth of photography supplies to purchase before my student loans go through. Ugh. Hopefully I don't go broke. I think that with my summer installment of loans that I will get some new glasses and a lovely yellow laptop.

Veronica joined me for my evening with the Architects and it was incredible. I love those boys with all of my heart and more. What great friends and handsome devils they are! I drank like I was 21 years old that night and felt it for 2 days after. I am getting so old and boring. (See below)

My tattoo artist who is also one of my childhood best friends blew me off again for my octopus tattoo so my arms are still blank canvases. I guess that's what happens when you aren't a paying customer. You get pushed aside. Understandable, though frustrating. I've told her that I'll pay her. I don't expect free tattoos. She refuses to take my money and those god damned paying customers keep stealing my appointments.

I also went to see one my favorite bands of all time, The Breeders, last week. A-freaking-mazing. I can't believe how awesome they were. I was actually heartbroken when they finished. Once again I drank like a champ and felt like a loser the next day. When your friends are bartending... you have no choice. The shots are enormous and plentiful. I should have puked. I fought tooth and nail to stay awake during my 5 hour lecture class the next day. Awful, awful, awful. No more shows on school nights for sure. Below is a crappy video I took while at the show...

I've been obsessed with a few things lately....
  1. My balcony: I want a tropical paradise on my balcony. Sadly, I have the blackest of black thumbs. I've been comprising a list of plants that are hard to kill (I'm so guilty of homicide of the horticultural degree) to try to create this paradise. I want more seating in order to make my balcony "the place to be" this summer. It's such a happy place.
  2. Plants in general: I want to redeem myself for all of the plants I have murdered. I want beautiful plants and have been studying my ass off in order to take a break from school studying. I found this amazing website for tropical plants and can't freaking WAIT to order from them. I'm hoping that the explicit care instructions may help me succeed as a plant parent.
  3. Taking better care of myself: I am desperate to quit smoking. I have already cut down on my drinking so much that 1 glass of wine makes me all warm and fuzzy (as opposed to a bottle or more). I ordered some workout videos, a yoga video, a balance ball, resistance bands, and some hand weights. I solicited all the best advice from my health guru friend, Meagan, that she could give me about a healthier diet. I want to ride my bike everywhere I can. Sadly, I won't be riding it to school because I am not interested in riding my bike through the projects I would need to go through to get there. But I want to ride my bike to work every day. Starting today. She's so beautiful.... I need to show her off a little more anyway. Here she is being admired by my lovely boy...

  1. My home: I love it so much. I have so much I want to do. As a renter my options are limited, but there's still a lot. I want new furniture. I have a vision of my entire house exactly as I want it. New furniture, plants, better organization. Unfortunately the only feasible option until I get my student loans is the organization. I've been working my tail off on that so when I actually have money that I'm ready to go.
  2. Taking better care of the earth: God, I've become such a hippy. How un-punk-rock of me. Though, my punk as fuck days are long over. I did OK on my own. Then I've learned so much from Andy since he's been around. Together we are better than either on of us ever was individually. However, we can always do more. Everything we do is now simply a part of our life and routine. We don't even have to think about it anymore. I think it's time to challenge ourselves with some more ways to lessen our impact and be greener. I've got a list and will of course speak of our progress.
Now I have to go wash my white girl afro and get ready to ride my bike to work so that I can make the money to turn my house into a tropical paradise :) I promise to write again soon! I will update this post with photos later today.


anabellster said...

You have a very interesting blog!!!

College is hard. Good luck with it! I just recently graduated after a very long six years. It was all worth it though. :)

Pretty Unfamous said...

Good luck with the summer classes! Being accelerated, I know they can be difficult if you don't stay on top of them!

Leanne said...

I am obsessed with plants. My bedroom is beginning to resemble a lush jungle. My friends make fun of me because we can't pass greenery without some "oooooh plants!" squeal. *sigh